Christmas Rocky Road Recipe - Salads Nibbles & More

Christmas Rocky Road Recipe

Christmas Baking Recipes

Join Us At Salads Nibbles & More To Make Your 2022 Christmas The Best You Have Ever Had

Lets Start With The Christmas Table!

Thinking about Christmas makes me think of all the special family traditions over the years Christmas cake, shortbread, gingerbread, white Christmas, not forgetting rum balls! my mum and I always ask each other "do you have any NEW go to recipes for Christmas" and that would be a YES! 

During Christmas season, there are often people " popping in for a cuppa " we so hope we can continue this wonderful tradition this year, popping in often includes tasting the wonderful treats, one I nearly forgot to mention is " Rocky Road " and how easy is it.

This is my go to " Rocky Road Recipe " you can adapt it for whatever you want to put in it. 


2 x Bags Cadburys Chocolate Baking Chips

1 x Bag Pascall Hard Jubes

1/4 Cup Either Crushed Nuts, Macadamia Nuts

1 1/2 Cups Marshmallows Cut Up

Last But Not Least! Add 1/2 Cup Of Clinkers! 

(You will find Clinkers in the Lolly Aisle)


Heat chocolate in bowl over a boiling pot or an easier way still is to put in the microwave ( remember no stainless steel) watching constantly keep stirring wont take long at all, make sure everything is cut up ready to add, mix altogether, pour over onto a prepared tray onto baking paper.

Doesn't take long to be ready!

Remember No Calories At Christmas!

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