Have You Been Watering Your Money Jar? - Salads Nibbles & More

Have You Been Watering Your Money Jar?

Was a standing joke my mum and dad used to say years ago. In actual fact am sure it is conversation that is being had in a lot of Australian homes at the moment " money ", there is never enough to go around. Do you often wonder how on earth you are going to make ends meet?

have you been watering your money jar

Do you do groceries online? is something we have been trailing in our home the last month to see if there is a difference in our grocery bill. My daughter in-law mentioned she always goes to the half price specials first, then gets her necessities. We have been doing this and it actually works, you don't have the temptations as you go up the isles, and only buy what you need, plus meal prepping & planning makes it so much easier. You know what you need, and get just that. We are saving a fortune! so will stick with this for a while, see how we go.

Make or mend? how tempting is it with so much access to social medial, sales, Facebook, everything is right there, you get messaged, emailed to let you know there is a sale happening, takes quite a restraint to not even look because you know yourself so well! Don't you worry we are all the same. I LOVE Escape To The Chateau on television, they are an amazing couple who re-use, re-purpose as much as they can with everything. We are so used to throwing everything away, because to be quite honest, some of the skills we may need to mend or fix something, we quite do not have! 

Have a go? why not I say, calling a tradie if you need something fixed at home just about gives you heart failure, especially if you are very tight with your spending at the moment, the absolute thought of getting a quote for something can quite possibly drain what few dollars you have put away. How about before you make the call, think is this possible that you can fix or mend this? Bunnings are such a great help with education around the home, that would be my first port of call, work out what you need, what it is going to take & go from there. YouTube is a great source of help type into Google how do I fix.... and it will send you to YouTube, if it is electrical- maybe not, but anything else worth a try. 

Just a few ways of saving a few dollars, remember to always put a small amount away for holidays, is so important to have something to look forward to.

Keep an eye out for some great meal prep ideas x


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