Broccoli Salad Recipe - Salads Nibbles & More

Broccoli Salad Recipe

Broccoli salad is so lovely and fresh, healthy, textured and so tasty. Lasts well, easy to make, and everyone loves it. Broccoli salad is such a lovely and fresh salad, goes with anything. 

Broccoli Salad Recipe 


  • 1/2 red onion
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 4  x bacon rashers
  • Cashews roasted
  • 2 heads broccoli (A friend always adds a half cup of cheese)


  • 1/2 cup Mayo
  • 3 white tablespoons white vinegar
  • A couple of tablespoons sugar
  • Salt & Pepper

Can add sultanas, berries, all adds to the tastiness. Enjoy x

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