Quick Easy Vegetable Soup - Salads Nibbles & More

Quick Easy Vegetable Soup

Our family loves vegetable soup, is a quick make, can use what you have in your fridge, healthy & a good meal, perfect with a crunchy bread roll. Freezes well, a lunch or dinner meal. 

quick easy recipe for vegetable soup

This is how I make vegetable soup:


1 x large onion

3 x bacon rashes

3 x large carrots

2 x cups pumpkin

2 x zucchini chopped finely

4 x celery sticks

1 x cup sweet potato

1 x potato 

4 teaspoons chicken stock

half a red & green capsicum

Add into the soup anything you have, in the way of vegetables, turnup and parsnips taste amazing in it also. 


Cook onion and chopped up bacon in a knob of butter, then add 6 cups water, and your vegetables, (don't have to be chopped up to well, will be mashed gently with a potato masher), 4 heaped teaspoons chicken stock and salt and pepper. 

Cook for about 90 mins, then mash lightly, put lid on a cool. 

A quick easy, meal x

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